Gideon you are 3 years old. You are willing, capable and smart. You are a lover rather than a fighter, despite your desire to always be right. You are reading and learning and loving your family. You are brave when you know I am there for you; and hesitant when alone, but that won't last for much longer because you are my outgoing Gryffindor child.
You want to learn everything around you and you love your Uncles Chris and Ben so much it makes my heart burst. You hang on to people who speak kindly and straightforwardly to you. You don't take kindly to people who lie or joke with you like you don't understand. You know what is real and what isn't and distrust adults who joke around otherwise. And everytime you get grumpy at an adult who doesn't take your personhood/space into account I want to burst with pride (and then I tell the adult to cut it out, if you haven't beaten me to it.)
Thank you for helping out at SCA events by fetching and standing in line. For remembering what Viking-era dress brooches look like. For wanting to talk to the King of the East and ask him why the East Tyger is blue. For wanting to already be on the list field, dressed to the nines.
Thank you for loving me. For telling me things like I'm "lovely" or "pretty" or "special" to make me feel better or just because. Thank you for climbing into bed and saying "Mommy can I snuggle you?" Thank you for showing affection because we show affection. You are so exactly our son that is mindblowing how we were without you. You are a Fable. You were born to it and it belongs to you just as much, if not more, than it belongs to us.
Thank you for always trying to clarify "who is the boss of me?" And making your father and I define over and over again what our roles as parents are. We sometimes forget.
Happy 3rd Birthday Gideon. I cannot even imagine what the next year will bring us. What we'll do. What we'll make. What we'll create. I've got some ideas. And I bet you do too.
Love, Mommy
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