Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Illumination and upcomings

I've been busy, okay? Busy doing embroidery mostly. Busy learning illumination. Busy doing the Golden Seamstress competition, busy getting ready to autocrat our summer Palio event. Busy fixing a sewage break that flooded our basement, busy helping my mother with an injury, busy with friends, trying to write and parenting my 5 year old in the midst of it all.
And that's just 2017, guys.

Included here are pictures of some recent illuminations I did, recreating an E from the Worms Bible, a salamander from a beastiary, and a moth from a 16th century music book. I have links to the actual documents but I am le tired and on mah phone so it will have to wait until later. These are done in goauche, which, after a frustrating few days of learning, is becoming my favorite medium.
My goal is to make blanks for my barony to use for tourneys and order awards. Fingers crossed, but our herald implied I was good enough to start passing blanks along to him. So that's cool.

Upcoming blog posts will include:

Princess Honig's Viking coat and dress for Birka
Golden Seamstress and learning how to document stuff for A&S
My entirely handsewn 13th century dress based off the Maciejowski Bible
Joining House Strangewayes
Planning for Pennsic War.

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