So this scroll, I was lucky enough to have ages to complete, so much so that I almost forgot it was going out!
I didn't get a lot to work with on information, so I had to email/facebook message around until I got enough information to glean down to the needed words. I tweaked a faux Russian hand I found here . My calligraphy is still pretty meh but it gave the scroll the right feeling.
I know that SOMEwhere in my bookmarks is the source for this piece. (I believe it's here, but I -will- locate the folio number as soon as I'm able. I know I wrote it on the back of the dang scroll.)
Out of everything, I'm proudest of the header and how I fit it together. It felt to me like the sort of thing that would be very important to get the right feel, as you see ones like it ALL OVER other Russian/Eastern European manuscripts.
Here's where I'm about to join the East Kingdom's "Team Blue Square"
But eventually it came together.
Ta daaaaa!
Something I'm still working on is making the illumination and the calligraphy all fit, comfortably on the page. I feel like I often have too much text in the wrong size (or too little) and the scroll is off-balance. I suppose that will become easier with experience.
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