Monday, November 13, 2017

EK Calendar page for 2018

I'm one of those people that needs a push.
I think it's because I got emotionally smacked down a lot when I was younger: I had a knack for sticking my nose in where it wasn't wanted and, well, not being wanted. I was like a puppy who kept saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Now I like to wait. I wait and I listen to make sure I'm wanted/needed. This means that people don't always know what I can do or that I'm willing to do it.
People also don't ask, in my experience.
So it's really wonderful when someone takes a chance on me and speaks up for me. In this case, that would be Christiana Crane. She is one of those people who believes that YOU CAN DO THE THING. And then tells people you can.
At the EK Scribal party/meetup at Pennsic this year, she did her normal thing. Pushing me up to someone and saying "Haaaaave you met Keziah? She's new. And great! And can -do the thing-."
In this case, the person was Mistress Rhonwyn and the thing was a page for the EK calendar.
I was all about that, man.
Mistress Rhonwyn had barely spoken "The theme is "Around the World" and we're asking--"
"Armenian. I would love to do an Armenian page."
Apparently those were the right words.

Source/Inspiration from the Armenica
Source/Inspiration by Toros R'oslin.

Calligraphy is still not my jam, but I did it anyway. Like I'm saying constantly, I learned a lot and I know now more of what -not- to do.

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